Discovering Our True Identity: The Challenge Of Christian Conversation (Disc 17)

Discovering Our True Identity: The Challenge Of Christian Conversation (Disc 17) PW254CD
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Our tongues have the power to build people up or tear them down. They can create great joy, happiness, peace, confidence and assurance for others—or they can absolutely destroy all possibility of those things in a matter of moments.


In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about how controlling our speech is a good indication of where we are in our spiritual growth and maturity. He also shares how it grieves the Spirit of God when we let unwholesome words come out of our mouths. Instead, our speech should be uplifting, meet the needs of the moment and bless others.


Sometimes, it's best to keep quiet; other times, it's best to speak. When we can give the right word at the right time, it reveals our spiritual maturity and Christlike hearts.


This sermon is part of the series “Discovering Our True Identity.”