Complete in Christ: Devoted to Prayer (Disc 25)

Complete in Christ: Devoted to Prayer (Disc 25) AN059CD
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There isn't a single activity in life that can equal the importance, effectiveness, and power of spending time alone with God in His Word. Too often, we think we can ask God a question and that He’ll answer us instantly. But in reality, our conversations with the Lord take time and can unfold over minutes, days, or even years.


In this message, Dr. Stanley shows why we ought to commit ourselves to prayer daily. We do this by choosing a period of time and a place to study the Word of God. And then we write down our prayer requests and His answers in a journal.


When we dedicate time to developing a healthy prayer life, we will get to know the Lord better and strengthen our relationship with Him. Also, it gives us the opportunity to intercede for others and to have our needs met by God. How much time have you spent in prayer this week? Make it a priority today.


This message is part of the set "Complete in Christ: A Study in Colossians."