Discovering Our True Identity: The Message Of Marriage (Disc 22)

Discovering Our True Identity: The Message Of Marriage (Disc 22) PO105CD
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Marriage is a serious, biblical commitment between a man and a woman. In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about how this relationship portrays, manifests and reveals the relationship between Christ and His church. Not only does the submissive spirit of a wife mirror that of the Bride of Christ, but also the selfless love of a husband exemplifies the sacrificial law of Christ for His church.


When spouses refuse to accept their roles, they aren’t accurately representing a biblical portrayal of marriage. Instead, an independent wife says that the church doesn't always have to obey God, and an unloving husband says the Lord's care for us is conditional upon performance. When these attitudes continue, they lead to broken vows, which misguides the unbelieving world by implying God’s relationship with us is uncertain and unreliable.


Be sure you are sharing a godly portrayal of marriage with others—not only through your words, but also through your life decisions and actions.


This sermon is part of the series “Discovering Our True Identity.”