The God Who Knows All (CD)

The God Who Knows All (CD) PK227CD
PK227CD In Stock


Some people are quick learners while others need more time to absorb information. But here’s something we all have in common: we weren’t born knowing things like the alphabet or algebra. We needed someone to teach us.


Not so with our mighty God.


In this message, Dr. Stanley discusses the omniscience of God, and what having a heavenly Father who knows all things perfectly and completely means to our relationship with Him. Learn how to pray with perfect trust in the One who created you and knows you best. Fully release your fears and concerns to the One who sees every history, possibility, and outcome. And find great joy in serving the One who understands every degree of your giftings and will maximize every opportunity to minister and witness.


We may be surprised by the circumstances of life, but He never is. Find your confidence in Him!


This message is part of the series The Character of God (Volume 2).