Staying In Step With God (DVD)

Staying In Step With God (DVD) 190526D
190526D In Stock


When was the last time you faced a major decision?


School, friendships, marriage, career—life is full of situations that require us to make important choices. It’s tempting to follow our own wishes and desires, or be swept by emotion into rash action. But even careful reasoning, if it’s based on our knowledge and not God’s, can lead us the wrong way. Only by seeking guidance from our heavenly Father can we be assured of choosing the best path at every crossroad.


In this message, Dr. Stanley explores an early mistake in the life of Moses. Understanding what went wrong for the future leader of the Hebrews will prepare us to handle similar moments in our own lives wisely. The results will always be worth the effort.


Seeking and obeying God’s will at critical times is the path to blessing and victory. Stay in step with Him!