

Spend just 15 minutes a day with America’s pastor, and you can read the entire Bible in a year, learning what God’s Word has to say about life’s most important questions.

Written in the New American Standard Bible, Dr. Stanley’s preferred translation, The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible combines portions of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and proverbs for every day of the year. Each day’s scripture passages are accompanied by notes and lessons built around thirty life principles that D. Stanley has gleaned from the Word through his years of Bible teaching and pastoral ministry.

If a commitment to daily Bible reading has not worked for you before, this Bible is the answer. The Life Principles Daily Bible is designed to bring more focus and depth to your time spent in God’s Word, making your Bible reading experience more beneficial than ever before!


- Complete New American Standard Bible text in daily portions

- Hundreds of articles focused on application of daily text

- More than one thousand Life Lessons giving insight into Scripture

- Life Examples from the people of the Bible

- Answers to Life's Questions and What the Bible Says About articles

- 9-point type size


Softcover, 7 x 11


Note: This bible is arranged in 365 portions and is intended for devotional use only. If you would like a standard Bible format, please check out other bibles from Dr. Stanley here.