Lord, Why Can't I Change? (CD)

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When we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven, cleansed, and given a new life in Him. But for some of us, it’s not very long before we find ourselves struggling with the same old thoughts, temptations, and habits as before.

In this message, Dr. Stanley explains why Christians who truly want to bring about positive change in their lives, sometimes fail to do so. It isn’t a matter of salvation, but of the mind. Years of sinful thoughts and actions before salvation, though now forgiven, may have carved deep ruts into the fabric of our thinking. But God will empower us to discover and override these strongholds. He offers transformation, renewal, and victory over every one.

Do you really want to become the person God wants you to be, carrying out His work and His will in your life? Lasting change is possible when you renew your mind, transforming your thinking with godly truth. And when you think godly thoughts, you will live a godly life that honors Him, and brings you peace.